Register Yourself


You are about to become a part of Pakistan’s most innovative gaming portal where your parents as well as your teachers will love you for playing. Getting started is easy. This guide will walk you through the registration process. If you want to play a demo quiz before registering, please go to the Muqablas tab in support to see how you can do that. If you want to register, just follow these steps.


  • Whatever browser you are using, type in and press enter. This will take you to the home page



  • Once on the home page, you will see a profile icon on the top right of the page, here highlighted by a green circle.



  • Click on it and you will open the registration page with one tab saying “Log in” and other saying “Register”. Click on “Register” to open up the registration form. You now have to provide the necessary information requested by the page





Make sure you are happy with the username you pick. Once your account gets registered with a particular username, you will not be able to change it. If you create a second username, it will not store or display your progress from the earlier username




If you have an email, enter it here. If you do not have an email, you can leave it blank. Please remember it is always useful to have an email as it speeds up the password recovery process if you happen to forget your password. If you leave this field blank, you will have to request admin for a password reset in case you forget your password and this process may take up to 48 hours


First and Last names


It is recommended that you use your real first and last names. This makes it easier for us to help you access other features of KarMuqabla. It also helps keep the correct records in your school profile


Select Gender


This is an optional field that helps us serving the correct content to our users.


School Name


Type in your school name in this field. If your school is included in the drop down list, it will show up. If it doesn’t, just select “Other” and continue. However, if your school is listed and you choose it, it will one by one ask you to enter the branch, grade, section and roll number fields. Please fill in all these fields accurately.


Select City


All Pakistani cities are included in the list. Just type in the name of your city and it will show up in the list from where you can select it.




Please choose a password that is known only to you and is easy to remember for you. You can change your password anytime you want from your profile page once you have registered. It is recommended that you change your password from time to time so as to ensure the security of your account.




You are all set now to enter the gaming arena. You can now log into any time you want using your username and password.


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